Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday -- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Random Episode Review

This is a show I remember watching as a kid in the 90's.  I just remember it being very cartoon-y and Urkel was voicing Sonic, which I thought was very cool.

So the episode's called: Grounder the Genius.

Robotnik's (Eggman for all of those people who grew up after this -- When did they do the name change anyway??) made a genius chip and it works. Scratch (a rooster) and Grounder (a tank like robot) set a trap using a Tails doll (Is that where that Creepypasta originated??) and Sonic's not impressed.  So he pulls "Tails" to safety only to realize there's a trap underneath the trap and now there's a cause for concern.

Meanwhile, Hacker, a groundhog, finds the program that "Robuttnik" (one of Sonic's "pet names" for him) was using and downloads it using a toaster.  Yes, you read that right. A toaster.  Only in cartoons where you can use a toaster to power up anything electronic and have it work every time.  Robotnik get's mad and sends his lackeys Scratch  and Grounder  to find Hacker and destroy him.  Sonic saves the day of course, dressing up like Hacker.  So after destroying Hacker's house, Grounder finds the genius chip, thinking it was his own, and implants it in his head.  He now becomes a major ass and is already planning the next scheme.

So Hacker finds Grounder's stupid chip and asks Sonic to go and replace it.   AholeGrounder (He's going to be called this for the remainder of this blog) anticipating this, zaps Sonic with is ray gun that turns him into stone. He, then, locks Robotnik and Sonic in a dungeon, makes Scratch his lackey and builds a lightning ray, that actually shoots lightning, all before dinner time. Before you know it, Hacker manages to get the ray to reverse the process and unstones Sonic's head.  And once again, the day is saved, thanks to...Scratch??!!

He clumsily manages to get Grounder's head free and the chip is now in Robotnik's hands.  Sonic, now free from his stone prison, revs over to him and switches the chips and Robotnik's stupider than usual and they get blasted by the lightning ray. "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!!"

Every episode has a "Sonic Says" segment that is trying to be educational and have morals.  A lot of the 90's shows were like that.  This one talked about using your brain for studying.

Overall, I give the episode:
8/10: Fairly good episode, Grounder was a major ass and no one likes those kind of people.

That's it for now.  See ya in the next blog!

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