Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tekko 2014: Cosplay Photos

It's been a few weeks since I posted anything, and I apologize.

So Tekko was a few weeks ago and I had a good time, for the most part.

Here are my cosplay photos

That's it for now.  Se ya in my next blog!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Update 1: 4-1-14

Today is April Fools Day and while I will not prank my lovely readers, I will give you some updates.

Tekko 2014 is this weekend and I hope to have some good shots of cosplayers and other events.

New Game Review: I am picking up Disney Magical World next Friday and once I feel I've gotten everything down, I'll review it.

That's it from me for now.  See ya in the next blog!